Join us for the 2021 Samhain Celtic New Year Festival!
The Ceili of the Valley Society invites you to the 6th annual Samhain Celtic New Year Festival — a month-long celebration happening during October 2021 and highlighting all things Celtic, with a special focus on Scotland.
In addition to a variety of content featured on the Samhain website, this year’s festival includes online and in-person events:
- Pan Celtic Ceili on Friday, October 8, featuring musicians D’n’A and four callers doing dances from the Celtic nations. Doors open at 7 p.m. with instruction about 7:20 and music beginning at 8. No experience or dance partner is necessary. Bring water. There will not be a snack table. $10 per person, pay at the door.
Native Plant Stories Connecting Oregon and Ireland 4 p.m. Saturday, October 9. Join us as Irish illustrator Aislinn Adams explores Oregon native plant journeys to explain how they ended up in Ireland. Free. Register to participate at nativeplantstories.eventbrite.com
Learn to play at the Celtic Harp Hands-On Workshop Led by Lisa Lynne 3 p.m. Saturday, October 23. No experience is necessary to play beautiful music on the provided variety of Traditional Celtic harps. Participants will learn basic familiar melodies, sound effects and do some improvisations, too. Tickets are $20 to $30. Register to participate at celticharpworkshopandconcert.eventbrite.com.
Listen and experience during Celtic Harps, Rare Instruments & Wondrous Stories 7 p.m. Saturday, October 23. Lisa Lynne & Aryeh Frankfurter perform with two Celtic harps, the rare Swedish Nyckelharpa, Ukrainian Bandura, Cittern and more. The multi-instrumental duo will present a unique blend of music and tales from their adventures as modern-day troubadours. Tickets are $20 to $30. Register to participate at celticharpsandstories.eventbrite.com. For a discounted ticket to both the Celtic Harp Workshop and Concert ($35 advance/$50 at the door), see celticharpworkshopandconcert.eventbrite.com
The Fire — live in concert 7 p.m. Friday, October 29. The Fire is a high-energy traditional music band that combines world-class performances of blazing Scottish music with a distinctly Californian flare. Tickets are $25 to $35. Get your ticket at thefire.eventbrite.com.
Take part in a free Virtual Whisky Tasting (on Zoom) 7 p.m. Saturday, October 30. Bill Mullen will walk you through this talk about the origins, history, process, geography, and some tips & tricks in the wonderful world of whisky. (NOTE: This is a virtual tasting. Alcohol is not provided.) Learn more about the whiskies to be tasted and register to participate at virtualwhiskytasting.eventbrite.com.
Live events take place at the VFW Hall, 630 Hood St NE in Salem. Please note: Proof of full vaccination from COVID-19 (two weeks from your last shot) or a negative COVID test within 72 hours of the event is required for participation. Attendees will need to wear masks. By purchasing a ticket to an event, you understand this requirement.
Keep an eye on the festival website at www.celticfestival.info for weekly updates as the Samhain Celtic New Year Festival brings you an immersive month of entertainment for the whole community.
Stay Connected!
Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/orcelticfest; follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/orcelticfest; and connect with us on Instagram: instagram.com/orcelticfest
The Samhain Celtic New Year Festival is organized by the Ceili of the Valley Society, a Salem-based nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and perpetuating Irish heritage and culture in the Willamette Valley primarily through social events that incorporate music and dance. An all-volunteer organization, the society teaches weekly classes and holds dances with live music on the second Friday of the month. (NOTE: In-person activities are currently on hold due to COVID-19). For more information, visit www.ceiliofthevalley.org.